A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Game Overview

Welcome to Sky & Hope, Embark on an epic journey with Sky, a spirited 20-year-old adventurer who has mysteriously acquired fragments of divine power. Set in a breathtaking world teetering on the edge of catastrophe, you will join Sky in a thrilling quest to restore balance and harmony.

As you explore this fantastical realm, you'll encounter formidable foes and face the malevolent forces of two powerful evil gods who have plunged the world into chaos. But fear not! With courage, strategy, and the newfound powers of a god, you’ll battle through challenging terrains and uncover ancient secrets.

Your mission is clear: to defeat corrupted gods and bringing peace and normalcy back to the land. Along the way, you’ll forge alliances, discover hidden treasures, and experience the wonder of a world brimming with adventure.

Will you rise to the challenge and help Sky fulfill his destiny? The fate of the world rests in your hands. Ready your weapons, summon your courage, and prepare for an unforgettable adventure!

Team Introduction: Meet the Teams

🌟Amelia Noormufida Widya Hartanti - The Designer

as a designer Amel is responsible in game design, level design, narrative, and dialogue

🎨Nawfal Noorrifa'at - The Artist

as an artist Nawfal is responsible for character design, sprite, environmental asset, and tileset

🎨Sulthan Wafi Alinugraha - The Artist

as an artist Sulthan is responsible for background, texture, environmental asset, and tileset

🛠️Putri Wulan Cahya - The Programmer

as a programmer Putri is responsible in some gameplay, scene, interaction, and dialogue box

🛠️Herlambang Satria Wijaya - The Programmer

as a programmer Herlambang is responsible in gameplay scripts, prototype, and UI/UX

Join Us on the Quest!

We're thrilled to have you join us on this dark journey. The team at Sky & Hope has poured their hearts into creating an unforgettable experience, and we can't wait to see how your adventure unfolds. So grab your sword and set forth into the unknown. Adventure awaits!

Pitch Deck!

Pitch Deck Group 21

Credit Shout Out!

Page Background

Music by alkakrab


Sky_&_Hope_v0.1.0 (Android) 91 MB
Sky_&_Hope_v0.1.0 (Win) 76 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the Game
  2. Extract RAR
  3. Run .exe

Development log

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